Things to put into the bag when going out, spring 2022.
Frequency going out itself is certainly less than before though, it doesn't mean I never go out. I usually carry a bag around when going out. What to put into the bag then? That's today's story. The edition of spring, year 2022.
Frequency to carry around : Always / Always I carry the wallet around though, opportunity to open the wallet itself is less, because most of things can be purchased with the Apple Watch.
持ち出す頻度:常に / 常に持ち歩いているけど、財布自体を開くことは少ない。ほとんどの支払いは Apple Watch でできるからね。
MacBook Pro
Frequency to carry around : Only when necessary / I used to carry around always though, now I put the MacBook Pro into a bag only when to go out on business purpose. So I don't carry the MacBook around when going out on private purpose.
持ち出す頻度:必要な時のみ / 昔は常に持ち歩いていたけど、今は仕事で出かける時だけ MacBook Pro をカバンに入れている。個人的に出歩く時は持っていかない。
Frequency to carry around : Always / It's same to you all, don't you? Since high school student, I always put the mobile phone into a pocket when to go out. After I started using the Apple Watch, it's rarely in the pocket, it's often in the bag.
持ち出す頻度:常に / みんな同じだよね?高校生の頃から外出する時は常に携帯電話はポケットに入れている。Apple Watch を使うようになってからはポケットの中じゃなくてカバンに入れているかも。
iPad Pro
Frequency to carry around : 80% / I often carry around. Now the iPad Pro is the one to do various things I used to do with the MacBook Pro. By the way, on the photo above, though there's Yuzu-san, I don't carry Yuzu-san around. I hope to go out with him if it were possible.
持ち出す頻度:80% / 大体持ち歩いている。昔 MacBook Pro でやっていたようないろんなことをやるのが今は iPad Pro になった。ちなみに上の写真にはゆずさんが映っているけど、ゆずさんは持ち歩かないよ。できることなら一緒に出歩きたいけどね。
Notebook and fountain pen
Frequency to carry around : Always / My favorite is the LAMY 2000. Almost all of important things is written on the notebook. Actually I'm a gadget freak, am also a stationery freak at the same time.
持ち出す頻度:常に / LAMY 2000 がお気に入り。大事なことはだいたい手帳に書いてある。実はガジェットオタクなのと同時に文房具オタクでもあったりする。
Frequency to carry around : Always / This is almost same to the mobile phone for me. One or both of Leica M-P typ 240 and Leica Q is always in the bag. OM-D is slightly too big to put into the bag I usually use. MILC except the rangefinder is not the one to carry around everyday for me.
持ち出す頻度:いつも / これは自分にとっては携帯電話とほぼ同じ。Leica M-P typ 240 と Leica Q の両方、もしくはどっちか片方は必ずカバンに入ってる。OM-D だとちょっと大きすぎて普段使っているカバンには入れづらい。レンジファインダー以外のレンズ交換式のミラーレスは自分にとっては毎日持ち歩くものではない。
AirPods Pro
Frequency to carry oround : Always / There's case I don't use even if carrying around. But if I didn't have the AirPods Pro when I got to want to listen to something, it'll make me have trouble so always carrying it around. I also have AirPods Max though, the one I always carry around is the AirPods Pro, because the AirPods Max is a bit bigger to carry around.
持ち出す頻度:常に / 持っていても使わないこともある。けど何か聴きたくなった時に持っていないと困るからいつも持ち歩いている。AirPods Max も持っているけど、持ち歩くには AirPods Max はちょっと大きいからいつも持ち歩くのは AirPods Pro。
Cigarettes and the Zippo
Frequency to carry around : Always / Simply, I can never live without cigarettes. A recent trouble is, it's tough to find a smoking area.
持ち出す頻度:常に / シンプルに、タバコなしじゃ生きていけない。最近の悩みは喫煙所を探すのが大変ってこと。
Actually all the things I introduced today can be packed a bag not so big except the MacBook Pro. Is there anything else to carry around? Maybe not, I guess. That's all today.
実は今日紹介したものは MacBook Pro 以外は全てをそんなに大きくないカバンに入れることができちゃう。他に持ち歩くものあったかな?たぶんない。今日はこんなところでー。