I caught a cold and lost my voice, and what unexpectedly inconvinient is because of that.
I've had a cold since last week, and now my throat is in bad shape, so I completely lost my voice. The pain in my throat has gotten much better, but my voice still isn't coming out properly.
The biggest inconvenience in my daily life from not being able to speak is that I can't use "Hey Siri" to give commands to my HomePod. It's such a small thing that I hadn't really been aware of it before, but I've realized that I was using voice commands with my HomePod much more often than I thought.
Also, it's tough to get asked "Do you need a bag?" by cashier at convenience store. I force my voice out just to say "yes" somehow.
声が出ないせいで日常生活で一番困っているのは HomePod に Hey Siri で指示を出せないこと。すごいちょっとしたことで今まであんまり自覚はなかったんだけど、意外と普段から HomePod に声で指示を出していたんだなーってことに気付かされた。
I have a plan to meet up with my friend this weekend, so I need to at least get my voice back by then. I actually wanted to go to the cafe on a weekday evening, but I'll have to hold off until I get better. It's also tough to place an order at all when my voice is like this.
Well, it should get better after a few days of rest.