Looking back the year 2020 with gadgets I bought.

LEICA Q + Summilux 28mm f/1.7 (35mm)

Year 2020 is going to be over and a new year is coming soon. Before the next year starts, let me look back the year 2020 quickly with gadgets I bought this year.

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AirPods Pro

Though I'm not sure if I bought the AirPods Pro this year, at least I wrote an article about the AirPods Pro early this year.

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AirPods Pro、実は今年買ったのか去年だったのか定かじゃないんだけど、少なくともレビューは今年初めに書いてる

I use the AirPods Pro everyday now. I don't use the AirPods Pro when I work, for instance at online conferences though, I use the one especially late night. Before Yuzu-san came, I didn't mind if it's loud even late night, because there was nobody else except me. But after Yuzu-san came and started living with at my room, I got to take care of his health. If I listened to music loud, he would be unable to sleep well, right?

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AirPods Pro は毎日使っている。ビデオチャットでミーティングする時とか、仕事の時はそんなに使わないんだけど・・・夜遅い時間に特によく使う。ゆずさんが来る前は夜でもひとりだし音とかそんな気にしなかったんだけど、今はゆずさんも一緒の部屋で暮らしているわけで、遅い時間にあまり音を出すのはゆずさんに悪いなーと。

If it's possible to suggest something more about the AirPods, I hope them to work longer with one charge like I mentioned on this article.

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AirPods Pro に関してひとつこうなったらいいなって言うとすれば、もうちょっとバッテリー駆動時間が長くなって欲しい。この記事で書いたみたく。

Leica Q

First of all, let me paste a review article about Leica Q here.

When I bought the one, originally I planned using this camera as a main camera. I'd used as the main for a while, now this camera is positioned as a sub camera. Yeah, this is the sub, but oppotunity I use the Q is not so less

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まず Leica Q のレビュー記事を貼っておく。

もともと Leica Q はメインに使おうと思って買ったカメラで、しばらくはメインとして使ってたんだけど、今はポジション的にはサブカメラになった。ただサブとは言えど Q もかなり使っている。

For instance, with Leica M, I cannot take photos of Yuzu-san moving fast well, because the Leica M doesn't allow me use AF as you know. So shooting moving things with the M is pretty difficult. There're other situations as well. When I'd like to shoot photos close, I take the Q. If I didn't have the Q but had only the M, I would have trouble, I guess.

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例えば Leica M の場合、AF なんてないから素早く動くゆずさんをうまく撮れない。あとは寄って撮りたい時も Q を使うし。M型だけで Q を持ってなかったら大変だったかもな。

Magic Keyboard (For iPad Pro)

This Magic Keyboard and pointing device support of the iPad OS totally changed my daily life. Even before that, I used the iPad so much on daily life though, now iPad Pro is the perfect computer for my private life. Ok, do you want to compare the iPad with other computers? I wrote an article about the comparing lately, so read it. On that article, I mentioned the how I use the iPad everyday as well, so if you'd like to know life style with iPad, please check it.

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Magic Keyboard と iPad OS のポインティングデバイスのサポートはほんといろいろなことを変えてくれた。ポインティングデバイスがサポートされる前も自分は普段から iPad Pro をずっと使っていたんだけど、今はもうプライベート用のコンピュータとして iPad Pro は言うことなしに最高。iPad と他のコンピュータの比較が知りたかったら最近書いた比較記事にあるのでどうぞ。そっちの記事では普段自分がどうやって iPad を使っているかも書いてるし、iPad を生活に取り入れるとどうなるかなんかも。

Leica M-P typ240

LEICA Q + Summilux 28mm f/1.7 (35mm)

This is what I'd wanted. This is what I need for my life. That's it. Okay, here's a link of an article of the quick review.

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LEICA M-P (Typ 240) + NOKTON Vintage Line 75mm f/1.5

I bought the one. Yes, I bought it. But unfortunately the first film is still not finished yet, because lately I don't go out on weekends due to the virus. I hope to finish current film and get it developed as soon as possible though.

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iPhone 12 mini

LEICA M-P (Typ 240) + NOKTON Vintage Line 75mm f/1.5

The review just after I got the iPhone 12 mini is link here.

Now I'm sure that the iPhone 12 mini is what I'd been waiting for. I'd used the iPhone X since it was released though, honestly the size I like was about the iPhone SE. And now, the iPhone 12 mini is that.

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iPhone 12 mini は自分が待っていたものなんだなーと。iPhone X が出てからはずっと iPhone X を使ってたんだけど、正直サイズ的には先代の iPhone SE がよかった。で、iPhone 12 mini はまさにそれなわけだ。

HomePod mini

My room is not so large though, it's long. So I'd wanted one more HomePod, but I didn't buy, because it was pricy. But now, the HomePod mini is available by about $100, it's about 10,000YEN. I'm satisfied with it.

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自分の部屋はそんなに広いわけじゃないんだけど、長い。で、HomePod がもう一台欲しいと思っていたんだけど、ちょっと高いじゃないですか。HomePod mini は1万円くらいで買えるわけで・・・そりゃ買うよね。

New year is coming soon. It's 7pm now. There're about 5 hours remains this year. I'll see you later this night, after the new year came.

At last, thank you all for supporting me and my family this year. Have a good new year, folks.

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