Looking back the year 2024 with gadgets I bought.
There have been various things this year as well. And soon, this year will come to an end. So, I thought about writing "Looking back the year 20XX with gadgets I bought." which I have been writing for the past few years. However, I realized that I didn't buy many gadgets last year, and even more so this year, there wasn't anything to look back on. An article of this theme of the last year is this. So, let's go.
HomePod mini
I had originally had one HomePod mini and also have the non-mini version of HomePod, but this year I added another HomePod mini. I moved the black HomePod mini that I originally used in the bedroom to the study and added a white HomePod mini to the bedroom. I hadn't had a speaker in the study (also my workspace) so far, but I wanted to be able to play background music there too, so I added the HomePod mini. It's something like that.
By the way, even if I play background music but if its volume is lower, it seems that the BGM playing does not reach the other party through the noise reduction function of the application side (such as Zoom or Google Meet) even if I leave it playing during online meetings.
HomePod mini はもともと一台持っていたし、mini じゃない方の HomePod も持っているんだけど、今年もう一台 HomePod mini を追加した。もともと寝室で使っていた HomePod mini の黒い方を書斎に移動させて、寝室には白い HomePod mini を追加した。今まで書斎(兼仕事場)にスピーカー置いていなかったんだけど、そっちでも BGM を流しておきたくなったから HomePod mini を追加した・・・みたいな感じっす。
ちなみに音量を下げて BGM を流している程度だと、オンラインミーティングとかの時とかに流しっぱなしでも、アプリケーション側(Zoom とか Google Meet とか)のノイズリダクション機能で相手側には流している BGM は届かないみたい。
iPad Pro M4 + Magic Keyboard + Apple Pencil Pro
These are actually three separated items, the iPad Pro, the Magic Keyboard, and the Apple Pencil Pro. However, these three items should not be counted indivisually. I didn't write an article like "I bought iPad Pro M4", but I mentioned the topic of buying it in One day@Kabukicho.
細かく言えば iPad Pro と Magic Keyboard と Apple Pencil Pro って3つなんだけど、この3つはそれぞれ単品でカウントすべきものでもないからな。『iPad Pro M4 買いました』みたいな記事は特別書いていなくって、One day@Kabukicho の中で買ったよーって話題に触れたんだった。
I wrote about the combination of iPad Pro + Apple Pencil Pro in another article, but I personally like the fact that I can use it as a whiteboard during online meetings by combining them with the Mac.
iPad Pro + Apple Pencil Pro の組み合わせについてはまた別の記事で書いているんだけど、これらとさらに Mac を組み合わせることでオンラインミーティングでのホワイトボード的な使い方もできたりするのが個人的には気に入ってます。
Apple TV 4K
I moved a TV which is not so big and was in my grandmother's room to the bedroom. So, I needed an Apple TV for that TV. Therefore, I moved an Apple TV that was originally used in the living room to this bedroom TV, and bought an Apple TV 4K for the TV in the living room.
祖母の部屋に置いてあった、そんなに大きくないテレビを寝室に持ってきた。なのでそのテレビ用に Apple TV が必要になった。もともとリビングで使っていた Apple TV をこの寝室のテレビ用に移動させて、リビングのテレビ用に Apple TV 4K を一台買った。
Blood pressure monitor & Scale
I'm not sure if these can be called gadgets, but I bought a blood pressure monitor and a scale this month. When measured, the data is transferred directly to the iPhone, so I guess I could say they're the gadgets. I wrote about it in the article when I bought them, but it's super convenient that they automatically record the measurements without having to think about anything.
これをガジェットって言っていいのかよくわからないんだけど、今月血圧計と体重計を買ってた。測定したらそのままデータが iPhone に転送されるし、ガジェットって言えばガジェットなのかな?買った時の記事にも書いたけど、何も考えなくても測定したら勝手に記録されていくの、めちゃくちゃ便利っす。
As looking back on like this, I didn't buy any completely new gadgets that I had never used before this year. Except for the blood pressure monitor and scale that I bought for a specific reason. The iPad Pro is a replacement from an old one, and the HomePod mini and Apple TV 4K are just to add. But I may have also added Philips Hue sensors or remotes, just not to remember.
By the way, I might be going to buy a robot vacuum cleaner or something like that around next year.
こうやって振り返ってみると、今年ってそれまでに使ったことがない全く新しいガジェットって買っていなかったんだな。ちょっと特殊な理由で買った血圧計と体重計を除いて。iPad Pro はリプレイスだし、HomePod mini と Apple TV 4K に関しては追加だし。ただもしかしたらちゃんと覚えていないだけで、Philips Hue のセンサーとかリモコンとかも追加しているかも。
So, I would like to close out the year with a photo of Yuzu-san again this year.
Thanks for your supporting me and my family this year as well. Have a good new year!!