Though I wrote "Leica Q for indoor use"...
The other day, I wrote an article titled "Leica Q for indoor use...", but in reality, I don't necessarily use it exclusively for indoor shooting. That's the topic of this article. The photo above was taken quite a while ago, but it was taken with the Q.
I think I got my M-type Leica about half a year after I bought the Q, but during that half year, I basically took almost all the photos with the Q. This photo brings back memories. This is a photo I took on the day I bought the Q. Even in Kabukicho, I take photos with a 50mm lens by a similar composition, it's easy to get that I got closer taking the photo because the Q lens is 28mm.
確かQを買った半年後くらいにMを手に入れたと思うんだけど、その半年くらいの間は基本的にいろんな写真をほとんど全部Qで撮ってた。この写真とか懐かしいな。これ、Qを買った日にそのまま撮ってた写真だ。歌舞伎町でも 50mm のレンズで似たような構図の写真を撮っているけど、Q のレンズは 28mm だからだいぶ寄って撮っているのがよくわかる。
I think this is one taken in Kichijoji. I started taking photos in Kabukicho long after I bought the Q, and it was already quite a while after I had mainly used the M as a main, so the number of photos I've taken with the Q is not that many, indeed. Not only that, but when I take photos in Kabukicho, there isn't much opportunity to get close and yet if I shooted at that distance with a 28mm lens, there would be too much information in the photo, in case of the city, Kabukicho.
Talks about the amount of information are also written in articles like this.
これは吉祥寺かな。歌舞伎町で写真を撮るようになったのはQを買ってからだいぶ先のこと、すでにM型をメインに据える用になって結構経ってからのことだから、確かにQで撮っている枚数はそれほど多くはないんだよな。それだけじゃなくって、歌舞伎町で撮っている時ってあまり寄って撮れることってないし、かといって 28mm でその距離で撮ると歌舞伎町って街だと写真の中の情報量が多くなりすぎちゃって。
Well, it's not just that. I also think that I'm not very good at taking snap shots with a wide-angle lens. That's why I take photos closer with narrow angle of view even when using the Q its lens is wide.
It's also kind of nice that I don't have to prepare a wide-angle lens like a 28mm for the M because I have the Q. It's fine to buy lenses for the M like as a toy, but basically, it's much enough to have the 35mm, 50mm, and 75mm Summicron lenses that I already have (only the 75mm one is an APO-Summicron though).
あとQがあるからM用に 28mm とかの広角レンズを用意しなくていいってのも何気にちょっといい。M用のレンズはおもちゃみたいな感覚で買うのはいいけど、基本はもう今持っている 35mm、50mm、75mm のそれぞれの Summicron(75mm だけ APO-Summicron だけど)だけあればいいや。
Well, I took a look back at the photos I took outside with my Q to write this article, and they're not bad at all. It might be a good idea to increase opportunities to bring the Q outside more. It's a bit tricky because the Q technically belongs to the category of compact digital cameras, but it's not really compact at all. So putting both M and Q in my bag and going out is a bit tough unless I'm really pumped up like "I'm gonna take the photos!!"
I wonder to try daring to bring out only the Q without the M sometimes. Yep, that could be a good idea. I'm gonna take more and more photos of whatever I can take, anyway.