I bought the OLYMPUS PEN S that I wanted for a long time since couple years ago.


LEICA M-P (Typ 240) + NOKTON Vintage Line 75mm f/1.5

I bought a used OLYMPUS PEN S at used camera shop in Shinjuku couple weeks ago. Actually this is the one that I wanted to buy for a long time.

Half size, film is not finished easily.

Until couple years ago, 12-shot films used to be on sale. But now I couldn't find any 12-shot films on sale. I guess maybe they're no longer on sale. So the minumum number of shots of films on sale are 24-shot now. It means 48 shots are available each films in case of using with half size camera like the PEN.

It's too much, isn't it?

That's why first of all I was looking for 12-shot films, though finally I couldn't find them. So I had no option except using 24-shot film with the PEN. In addition, I could imagine 36-shot films will make me tired of shooting, also it would take too long until finish using and have it developed.

After I bought the one, maybe about 20 shots have been done. But there're still more than 20 shots remains. I have no idea when I'll be able to have the current film developed though, I'm going to keep on enjoyning shooting freely.