What I wanted to make when I was a elementary school student, and what I'm making now.
When I first started using a computer when I was a elementary school student, it was a command-based machine which anything GUI-based can never work. And there was my dad's PC that GUI of Windows runs just next to me. So no wonder that I who was just a kid admired GUI of course.
小学生の頃に初めにコンピューターを使い出した頃、それは GUI ベースのものは一切動かないコマンドベースのマシンだった。で、隣には父が使っている Windows の GUI が動いているマシンがあって。そうすりゃ幼い自分は当然 GUI に憧れるわけだ。
Developing on MS-DOS
One day, I clearly remember that day, it was Saturday after noon after I got back home from a school, my dad had bought for me QuickBASIC that allows me develop applications running on MS-DOS. So there was no choice not to develop something I can use with GUI by myself. I was 10 at that time.
ある日、はっきり覚えている、土曜日の午後に学校から帰ってきたら、父が自分のために MS-DOS で動くアプリケーションを開発できる QuickBASIC を買ってくれていた。そうなれば自分でも GUI が使えるものを作るっきゃない。その時10歳だった。
My goal was to make something that reproduces Windows.
My goal was to make something that reproduces Windows. But it's limited to develop with the QuickBASIC, you know. In addition, my age at that time was about 10 to 11. Even though under that sort of environment, I tried to ask something to other developers online. It's not the Internet, it was just a computer online service actually in addition. I think I did so much.
目標は Windows みたいなものを再現できるものを作ることだった。けど QuickBASIC で作れるものなんて限られている。しかも当時の自分は10歳とか11歳。そういう環境下だったけどオンラインで他の開発者に質問したり。しかもインターネットじゃなくてパソコン通信ね。よくやったと思うよ。
But in reality.
I thought I did so much, but what I could do was still limited. I made it work to move a cursor on a screen with a mouse and I also made icons appear on the screen. But compared to a vision I imagined "Creating something like this", it was kind of cheap after all.
And now, there's OSnine.
Now, here I am with desigining and developing OSnine from nothing and using it everyday. There're icons appearing, multiple windows can be shown, being able to control by a mouse cursor, and of course drag and drop is available... It clearly means I've become being able to develop what I wanted to from the bottom of my heart when I was a kid. Okay, a design of that is simular to traditional Mac OS, but I dared to do it.
I'd like to tell my childhood self, "You'll be able to create it as you want when you got older if you'll keep on doing your best".
そして今、OSnine を何もないところから設計して作って日々使っている自分がいる。画面にはアイコンが表示されて、いくつでもウインドウが表示できて、マウスカーソルで操作できて、もちろんドラッグアンドドロップができて・・・まさに子供の頃に心の底から作りたかったものが今作れるようになったってことだ。うん、デザインは昔の Mac OS っぽいけどあえてだし。