Gadget story of student age #1 - Computer environment of days of a university student.
Warning : This article is a translation of this article.
I suddenly had an idea to write stories of computers of days I was a university student.
At that days, what I used was iBook G4. Now it makes me laugh though, weight of it was absolutely more than 2kg. It had only about 2 hours of battery life (Of course the official data of battery life was more than that). It was necessary to carry an A.C. adapter if I wanted to use it outside home for a day.
In fact, though what I wanted was PowerBook G4 12inch, it was too expensive for me to buy at that days.
A day I bought the iBook G4
I remember well the day I bought the one. Actually I went to shop to buy an eMac. But after arrived the shop and watching computers, what I wanted changed from desktop to laptop. I walked thru in front of eMac after all and I was considering which to buy one of iBook G4 or PowerBook G4 for hours at the shop.
What I planned to buy was eMac, so a budget was about 100,000 Yen. Price of iBook G4 was about 100,000 Yen and a bit more. But somehow I set PowerMac G4 as a target to buy, it was about 200,000 Yen, 2 times expensive than iBook G4.
Though I considered for hours, that was time to force me understand that I can't buy PowerBook G4. As I look back to that, now I understand what that time meant.
iBook G4, using w/ AirH" into USB and so on.
At that days, I used Air H" to use Mac outside. Communication speed was about 64kbps. That speed is that nobody imagines nowadays. At campus of university at that days, there wasn't Wi-Fi. If I wanted to browse the web using LAN of the university, I needed to connect LAN cable into my Mac. It was that kind of era. However, there were many PowerMac G4 at labs, so I used one of them instead of iBook G4, to do heavy homework using data that was saved in my own USB memory.
If I were an university student now, I would carry iPad Pro and Magic Keyboard. I can do almost all things I used to do using iBook G4 at that days, using iPad Pro. I really envy current university students.
I used a bag of MUJI. Until it got so dagaged.
I put iBook, textbooks, notebooks, pencils and so on into the bag, wallet and mobilephone were in my pocket of pant. I'm not sure where I put iPod into. I don't remember it well. What I remember well is that the iPod I used at that days, was a 3rd generation iPod. I still have the one. Let me tak about iPod a bit more. I was watching keynote which 1st generation iPod nano was introduced and just after the keynote I ordered it online. I'd used a white one for couple years after that. I love design of the one and I don't want to lose it, so it became an objetd'art after battery explosion program was announced officially couple years later.
Though I always wear Apple Watch now, I didn't wear any watches when I was a university student. There's a big reason. Actually I couldn't. It's because watch was a hindrance to make pizza (especially when I stretch dough) at pizza shop I used to work at that days.
So at that days, clock displayed on mobilephone worked as watch for me.
Now I love watch, maybe because of a reaction against that days.
Memory, something.
It's not bad to write what I remember like this article.
For instance, a story of risk headge. Actually I have some ideas to write here. I'll try to post them.