Bye-bye and thanks, my loving car Z4.
Time that I didn't want to come, finally came. Finally. It's time to say good-bye to my loving car Z4 I've owned for more than 8 years. A photo above is a photo taken just after I bought the one.
来てほしくなかった時が遂に来ちゃった。遂に。8年以上乗ってきた愛車の Z4 に別れを告げる時が。上の写真は買った直後に撮ったやつ。
Mileage that was about 28,000km when I welcomed, is now lots more over than 100,000km. I faced to the difficult decision last week. To pass the car inspection, it costs more than million Yen to get repaired and maintained. Actually I am a second owner of this car and a year that this car was initially registered, is 2005. Yes, it's 17 years ago. I hope to believe that my decision to say good-bye to Z4 is not wrong. I've got it repaired again and again. It must be the time, I think.
迎えた時に 28,000km 程度だった走行距離も軽く10万km超え。難しい決断に直面したのは先週。車検を通すためには修理と整備に100万円を超える、と。自分はこの車の2人目のオーナー。で、最初の登録は2005年。そう、17年前。Z4 に別れを告げる、っていう決断は間違っていないんだと信じたい。もう何度も何度も直してもらってたし。その時が来た、ってことだ。
A photo above is recent one.
I have a lot of memories with this car. I don't remember how many times I went to my hometown Niigata by this car. That means it's so many. When I welecomed Yuzu-san who was in a shop, as my family member, a car Yuzu-san rode was this car as well. Actually Yuzu-san rode this car couple times to go to veterinary clinics, even though time for him to go outside is so rare.
There're too many memories. But time to say good-bye comes certainly. And that's now.
Tha last photo is the one that my co-worker photographed when I and he went to client's office together. This is my favorite, actually.
It'll be the last drive tomorrow. It's to a car shop. A new car is scheduled to arrive around end of this month and I'm gonna use a replacement vehicle until then. I have to switch my emotion, right? I will.