It was a bit difficult to shoot using Summaron 35mm f/3.5, now it is not.
Today, let me show you some photos which I took just after I bought a used lens of 35mm, Summaron f/3.5. As I posted on this article, this lens is so tiny and I never need to concern if I should take it outside.
Okay, I was just walking. So I could go to this way.
This red face of this photo is called "Tengu". "Tengu" is a sort of monster who appeared on some Japanese traditional stories. Anyway, this is a sign of Izakaya.
Menu of Yakitori. Once I went for taking photos, usually I take photos of foods. Though I'm not so hungry.
Sushi restaurant.
Another izakaya. Again, I was not hungry.
I'd like to say strongly that this is just a bar. Not the photo of foods!!
Lots of people were sitting on benches in front of Yodobashi Camera Shinjuku.
I like this traditional style logo of Yodobashi Camera written by Katakana.
I imagened that it's pretty hard to shoot using this summaron in dark night situation. However it wasn't. Maybe it's because when using degital cameras, I can change ISO quickly.
I'm going to take a walk a bit on this weekend as well as last weekend. Though I haven't planned where to go yet.