Looking back the year 2021 with gadgets I bought.
The year 2021 is going to be over shortly and the year 2022 is coming. As well as the last year, let me look back this year 2021 with the gadgets I bought as well.
AirPods Max
The review article is here. Eventually I didn't go to the office this year. You know, it's due to the virus. So it means that I had to join meetings online or talking with members of the team online as well. When I work at home, I worn the AirPods Max almost all the time this year. If there's one thing that makes me scared of, is to get knocked my shoulder suddenly from the back by my grandma when wearing the AirPods Max. It's so scaring.
レビュー記事はこれ。結局今年は本社オフィスに行かなかった。例のウイルスのせいで。だからオンラインでミーティングだったり会社のメンバーともオンラインで話すわけで。家で仕事をしている時はほとんどずっと AirPods Max 着けてたな、今年。ひとつ怖いのは AirPods Max をつけている時に突然後ろから祖母に肩を叩かれること。あれは怖い。
The review article I wrote just after I got the one is here. Originally I bought the OM-D EM-1 with two zoom lenses to photograph birds at river neighborhood. However, I haven't been able to do it yet actually, unfortunately. Instead of that, the OM-D works great job when taking photos of Yuzu-san.
Though this is not the camera I always go outside with, this works great job to photograph things which are difficult taking with the Leica M-P especially at home.
買った直後に書いたレビュー記事はこれ。もともと OM-D EM-1 と2本のズームレンズは近所の川で鳥を撮るために買ったんだけど、まだできていない。その代わりにゆずさんの写真を撮るときに活躍してくれている。
外出する時にいつも持ち歩くカメラではないけど、家で Leica M-P では取りづらいものを撮るのにいい仕事をしてくれる。
Elmer 50mm f2.8
The review article is here. Sober lens, but good enough. Though I usually put the Summicron 50mm to the Leica M-P, I prefer this one when I want to go outside with minimum stuff.
レビュー記事はこれ。地味なレンズ、だけど必要十分。普段は Leica M-P には Summicron 50mm をつけているけど、ミニマムな荷物で外出したい時はこっちの Elmer をつけてる。
MacBook Pro with M1
The review article is here. On the review article, I wrote that I got surprised that the games like Cities::Skylines work with no trouble. But what made me get surprized was not only that. It works for almost 20 hours by battery, at least more than 10 hours without charging. Yep, of course it depends on what apps I use though, it was shocking that the laptop computer works 20 hours with no charging.
レビュー記事はこれ。レビュー記事では Cities::Skylines が問題なく動くとか書いたけど、驚かされたのはそれだけじゃなかった。途中充電しないでも20時間近く、少なくとも10時間とかは動くってこと。もちろん使うアプリによるんだけど、ラップトップが20時間も充電なしで動くことは衝撃的だった。
iPad Pro 11inch - 3rd generation
The review article is here. The iPad Pro is the computer that I use the most, more than the MacBook Pro or the iPhone. That's why I create my own comfortable environment for myself such the OSnine.
レビュー記事はこちら。iPad Pro は自分が一番使うコンピュータ。MacBook Pro や iPhone 以上に。だから自分自身が快適な環境を得るために OSnine みたいなものを作ったりするわけだ。
Nintendo Switch
I haven't written any articles of review about the Nintendo Switch yet, right? Yep, I bought the Nintendo Switch late this year. I play NBA 2K22 and classic games of Mario originally released for SNES or NES.
まだ Nintendo Switch の記事は書いてなかったよな?はい、今年後半、Nintendo Switch 買いました。NBA 2K22 で遊んだり、もともとはスーファミ用だったりファミコン用で出ていた古いマリオのゲームを遊んだり。
Apple Watch Series 7
My old Apple Watch I'd used for about 3 years, was Hermes model of series 4. After that, from the series 5 on, display got to be not to disappear. Though originally I had no plan to buy a new one, I purchased a new Apple Watch Series 7 Hermes as the christmas present for myself.
3年くらい使っていた古い方の Apple Watch は Hermes モデルの Series 4。その後、Series 5 からディスプレイが常時点灯になった。もともとは新しいの買う予定なかったんだけど、Apple Watch Series 7 Hermes は自分自身へのクリスマスプレゼントとして買っちゃった。
Year 2021, a lot of things happened. Too many things happened. But nothing bad. I hope to believe so at least.
Thanks for your supporting me and my family this years as well. Have a good new year!!