Two Leicas, the Leica Q for indoor use and the Leica M for outdoor use
I've had two Leicas on hand for several years ago. Leica M Typ 240 which is M-type Leica that I always bring when to go for shooting in Kabukicho and to go for travel, and Leica Q which's not lens detachable.
数年前から手元には2台のライカがある。いつも歌舞伎町での撮影や旅行時にも持っていくM型ライカの Leica M Typ 240、それからレンズ交換式ではない Leica Q だ。
It's incredibly luxurious thing.
It's incredibly luxurious to have both cameras, even though just one of them is quite expensive. By the way, just to be clear, I think I will never replace my current model with newer ones unless there's a significant reason to do so.
If there's only a possibility there, replacing to a high resolution model like Leica M10-R or M11 and take photos using Summicron 50mm instead of using APO-Summicron 75mm, and trimming when I want some tele side, I think it could be nice if I would be able to do things like that.
But at the same time, I also feel that there's no need to go that far, and ultimately, the simple structure means that even with the release of new models, the operability continues to inherit traditional elements, so there's almost no change except maybe in resolution. So, there's almost no reason to actively replace it.
唯一可能性があるとすれば、Leica M10-R とか M11 みたいな高解像度機に置き換えて、APO-Summicron 75mm で撮る代わりに Summicron 50mm で撮影して、ちょっと望遠側が欲しくなった時は必要に応じてトリミングする・・・みたいなことはできたらいいかもしれない。
Strength of the Leica Q.
The greatest strength of the Leica Q is that we can take closer, different from the M-type Leica. For me at least. So, the lens itself is 28mm wide-angle, but it's not difficult to take photos of everyday things like the ones in the opening photo or this photo. I wrote about this in a previous article.
The Leica Q also has image stabilization, so I actually like that I can shoot at ISO 800 in situations where I would normally shoot at ISO 1600. If it's around ISO 800, I don't have to do any preprocessing, and even if developing it as it is, the photo won't have noticeable noise.
Leica Q の強みはなんと言ってもM型ライカと違って寄って撮れることだろう。少なくとも自分にとっては。だからレンズ自体は 28mm って広角ではあるんだけど、冒頭の写真とかこの写真みたいな日常の身の回りのものを撮るのにも苦労しない。この辺の話はちょっと前の記事でも書いたな。
あと Leica Q は手ぶれ補正も入っているから、いつも ISO 1600 くらいで撮るような場面でも ISO 800 とかで撮れちゃうのも実はちょっと気に入っている。ISO 800 くらいだと、下処理とかしなくてもそのまま現像しちゃっても気になるほどノイズのある写真にはならないからね。
About the weakness.
However, that's not to say that the Leica Q doesn't have any weaknesses. The biggest weakness of the Leica Q for me is not related to the actual act of taking photos itself. That's there's rarely a case that dusts get on the sensor. And I can't clean them myself.
If it were a M-type Leica which's lens detouchable, I could simply detouch the lens and I could clean the surface of the sensor with a duster or cleaner. However, with the fixed lens Leica Q, I cannot clean the sensor myself. In fact, once I have sent it in for maintenance to Leica support just to clean the sensor dust.
ただし Leica Q にも弱点がないわけじゃなくって、自分の中での Leica Q の最大の弱点は撮影それ自体とは全く関係ないところにあったりする。それはセンサーへのゴミの付着。そしてそれを自分では清掃できないこと。
これがレンズ交換式のM型ライカの場合だったら、レンズを取り外してセンサー面を露出させてダスターとかクリーナーで清掃すればいいんだけど、レンズ固定式の Leica Q の場合は自分ではセンサーを清掃できない。実際に1回、ライカのサポートにセンサーのゴミの清掃のためだけにメンテナンスに出したし。
Honestly, it's quite troublesome to take it in for maintenance. Also, it takes time to get the camera back. It would be best if I could clean a sensor of the Leica Q myself when it gets dusts on the sensor.
Anyway, it doesn't make any sense saying such things. For now, I have two easy-to-use cameras on hand, and I also have a few other cameras like OM-D. So, I'll keep taking photos and having fun!
正直、メンテナンスに出すのは結構めんどくさい。カメラが戻ってくるまでに時間もかかるし。Leica Q もセンサーにゴミがついた時に自分で清掃できたら一番いいんだけどなー。
まあそんなことを言っていてもしょうがない。とりあえずこんだけ使いやすいカメラが常に2台自分の手元にはあるわけで、他にも OM-D とか何台かあるわけで・・・まあどんどん楽しく写真を撮っていくよー。