I don't mean to make a public statement, I'm just writing because my friends usually read it.

LEICA M-P (Typ 240) + APO-Summicron-M 75mm f/2.0 ASPH.

I'm writing articles for Voice here because it will be read by my friends and acquaintances. I don't mean to make any public statements loudly by the articles here. I'm just writing because I want to write about extremely personal things, to be honest. I don't even have any desire to communicate. Just writing.

It feels like a New Year's card in a sensory way.

🇯🇵 日本語 / ja

ここ、Voice の記事は友人や知人などの関係者が読んでくれるから書いている。別にここの記事でパブリックな声明を声高々に発信したくて書いているわけじゃない。というかむしろ超個人的なことを書きたくて書いているだけ。発信したいって意識すらない。書いているだけ。


Like a New Year's card.

LEICA M-P (Typ 240) + APO-Summicron-M 75mm f/2.0 ASPH.

New Year's cards usually contain personal messages or personal photos, you know. Those sorts of things are what I want to write about here. New Year's cards are something that we send regardless of the other person's convenience or relationship, and if we receive one, we have to write a response as well. I'm writing this here because I don't like that either. It's fine if only people who want to read it would read.

It feels kind of strange writing something like this, but unlike the good old days of the web, it's gone nowadays, and now it's likely necessary to declaratively write and clarify things like this occasionally... There are various people who may misinterpret things. And I don't want to get caught up in any troublesome situations. Some people may think it's better to post personal things on SNS, but there's no longer any SNS that I can trust to store my personal things.

🇯🇵 日本語 / ja


こういうことを書いているのもなんか変な気分なんだけど、古き良きウェブの時代と違って今の時代はこういうことを宣言的にたまにでも書いておかないと・・・曲解する人もいろいろといるわけで、厄介なことには巻き込まれたくないしね。SNS に書けって思う人もいるかもしれないけれども、自分の個人的なこととかそういうデータを信頼して預けられる SNS なんてもはや存在しないし。


LEICA M-P (Typ 240) + APO-Summicron-M 75mm f/2.0 ASPH.

However, I may also write about my personal thoughts or ideas. But those are just my personal ones. They're not the ones of anything I belong to.

Occasionally some contacts regarding my online activities like what I write here, are sent to my company, but as stated in the footer of this website, if you have any inquiries, please feel free to send them through SNS DM.

That's all about today.

🇯🇵 日本語 / ja


たまーにここに書いていることとかの自分のウェブ上での活動に関して、会社宛に連絡が届くことがあるんだけど・・・フッターにも書いてある通り、なにかあれば SNS の DM とかで送ってもらえると助かります。
