I want to emphasize that the iPad Pro is great for editing, organizing, and viewing photos.
Recently, the focus has been increasingly on the iPad Pro as a video production environment or a music production environment. No wonder that is, because Apple themselves started releasing Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro for the iPad. However, I want to emphasize this. The iPad Pro is extremely excellent as an environment for editing, organizing, and appreciating photos.
So, it's another article about the iPad this time again.
最近 iPad Pro って特に最近は映像制作環境としてだったり、音楽制作環境としてだったりってところがフォーカスされる場面が増えてきた。そりゃそうか、Apple 自身が iPad 用に Final Cut Pro を出したり Logic Pro を出すようになったんだから。だけど声を大にして伝えたい。写真を編集したり整理したり鑑賞したりする環境としても、iPad Pro はめっちゃ優秀だよってことを。
ってことで今回またも iPad の記事っす。
Editing photos with the Lightroom.
In my case, before developing photos with the Lightroom on my iPad, I first import the photos to my Mac, process them using PureRAW, and then import them to the Lightroom on my iPad to start developing them. Well, this may be because of familiarity, but personally, I find it's easier to develop photos with the iPad version of Lightroom than its Mac version.
However, recently I often feel it's troublesome that the "preprocessing" by PureRAW can only be done on a Mac. I wish the iPad version of PureRAW would come out so I can switch over to that. Or just to accept that the high sensitivity noise will remain as is and stop using PureRAW. That can be another option.
自分の場合は iPad の Lightroom で現像する前に、撮った写真は一旦 Mac に取り込んで PureRAW で下処理をしてから iPad の Lightroom に取り込んで、そこから現像を始めるわけなのだが・・・それにしても写真現像は慣れの問題もあるのかもしれないけど、同じ Lightroom でも Mac 版より iPad 版の方が個人的には使いやすい。
ただこの PureRAW でやっている『下処理』が Mac でしかできないから、それがめんどくさいなーって思うことは最近よくあるんだよな。PureRAW の iPad 版が出ればすぐにそっちに移行するのにな。あとはもう高感度ノイズはそのまま!って割り切ってしまって PureRAW 自体を使わなくなるか。
Well, now let's back to talk about the Lightroom. There're some things about the fine usability and such to mention, but above all, it's incredibly easy to use Apple Pencil. I often edit photos by applying masks to certain parts, and it's particularly easy to do so with an Apple Pencil because of how precise the selection can be compared to using a mouse cursor.
By the way, I'm so used to editing with the Lightroom on my iPad, so I can do it quickly and smoothly, but occasionally when I need to edit with the Mac version of Lightroom (not the Lightroom Classic), I can't find the tools I want to use and end up doing slowly and clumsily.
さて、Lightroom の話に戻ろう。細かい操作性云々の話もまああるんだけど、何よりも Apple Pencil を使えるのがすごい楽。特に自分は写真の一部にマスクをかけて、その部分ごとに編集していることもよくあるんだけど、このマスクの範囲指定なんかが Apple Pencil だとすごい楽なわけだよ。マウスカーソルで指定したりするのと比べて。
ちなみに iPad 版の Lightroom で編集するのはもう体が慣れきっているからサクサクできるけど、たまーに Mac 版の Lightroom (Lightroom Classic ではない) で編集すると思ったように使いたいツールに辿り着けなくてモタモタしてしまう。
As an environment to appreciate photos.
There're some more things. Recently, I think that it's common for people to mostly view photos on their smartphones, and I think that's completely fine. However, if we have an iPad, I find it more enjoyable to view photos on its larger screen (not too large like an over 20-inch monitor on a Mac/PC). It's nice to be able to hold a large screen and view photos on it.
And even though it has a size of 11 inches or larger, the screen is OLED. Thanks to the characteristics of OLED, the black on the iPad Pro M4 appears even blacker and more refined. Why I wrote "It's just beautiful" on the article I wrote before, it also includes that meaning. The M1 model of the iPad Pro of 13-inch model had been already an OLED, but its 11-inch model which I used, had still a LCD.
Well, even the LCD, it was beautiful much enough, anyway.
それから最近は一般的には写真ってスマホで見ることがほとんどだと思うし、それは全然いいことだとも思うんだけど、手元に iPad があるなら iPad の大きい(けど Mac/PC の画面みたいに 20inch 超とか大きすぎない)画面で見る方が楽しいんだよなぁ。そのある程度大きい画面を手にとってみれるし。
そして11インチ以上のサイズがありながらも画面は OLED、要は有機EL。有機ELの特性もあって黒はより黒く引き締まって見えるようになったのが M4 の iPad Pro だったりもする。前に書いた記事で『ただ美しい』って書いていたのはそういう意味合いもある。前に使っていた M1 モデルの iPad Pro は13インチモデルは OLED だったんだけど、自分が使っていた11インチモデルは液晶だったから。
Recently, the weather has been too bad with typhoons and whatnot, so I haven't been able to go out to take photos. I really want to go take photos in Kabukicho or Shibuya. Hmm... Kabukicho and Shibuya are known for taking the nighttime atmosphere, so maybe it would be a good idea to also take photos of the daytime scenery in a city along the Chuo Line.
Well, I'd like to go when the weather is nice on a day off.